Friday, January 26, 2018

Join Vestige and Earn without Investment

✌️इस मेसेज को पढ़े जरूर✌🏻
अगर कोई मुझसे पूछता है कि VESTIGE क्या है,
मैं बड़े excitement से कहता हूँ /बताता हूँ कि VESTIGE भारत देश की पहली कंपनी है, जिसमे बिना investment करे, बिना investment कराये आप लाखों रुपये कमा सकते हैं,
सुबह सुबह अपने आप से कुछ सवाल कीजिये और सोचिये कि क्या आप यह सब करते हैं कि नहीं …. और यही नहीं आप ऐसे कितने लोगों को जानते है जो यह सब करते है कि नहीं …..
1. क्या आप टूथ पेस्ट करते हैं …
2. क्या आप टूथ ब्रश काम लेते हैं …….
3. क्या आप चाय पीते हैं ….
4. क्या आप साबुन से नहाते हैं ….
5. क्या आपके घर में hair oil लगता है …
6. क्या आप घर मे food supplements use karte ho
7. क्या आप के घर में deo ya men care products use होते हैं …
8. क्या आप कभी बालो में शैम्पू काम लेते है ….
9. क्या आप खाना पकाने का ऑयल काम लेते है…
10. क्या आप स्वस्थ रहने के लिए कुछ सप्लीमेंट्स लेते हैं
11. क्या आप अपनी त्वचा का ख्याल रखते हैं ….
12. क्या आप सुन्दर दिखने के लिए फेशियल कराते है या करते है …
14. क्या आपके घर में कोई भी लिपस्टिक एवम् नेल पॉलिश काम लेते है ……
और बहुत कुछ आपकी सुबह से शाम तक महीने की शुरुआत से अंत तक कितने ही प्रॉडक्टस आप काम लेते हैं ….
क्या आपने कभी यह सारे प्रोडक्ट्स VESTIGE के लिए ….. अगर हाँ तो बहुत अच्छा … लेकिन अगर न हो तो जल्द ही लीजिये क्योंकि आज तक जहां से आप यह सब चीज़े खरीद रहे हैं या खरीद रहे थे क्या वहां से कुछ मनी बैंक में आया क्या, कुछ एक्स्ट्रा पैसा केवल इन प्रोडक्ट्स को लेने से कमाया क्या … ।
अगर नही….. तो क्यों नहीं सोचते कि सारे प्रोडक्ट्स बेहतरीन क्वालिटी एवम् मनी बेक गारंटी के साथ आपको अगर यूज़ करने से घर में धीमे धीमे एक बहुत बड़ी आय का स्रोत बन जाए तो कैसा लगेगा आपको एवम् आपके मिलने वालो को। सोचिये ….. आप एक बहुत अच्छा काम करने जा रहे हैं आप बहुत सारे परिवार की जिंदगी बदलने जा रहे हैं केवल घर में काम आने वाले प्रोडक्ट्स को काम लेने से …. तो आइये आज से ही कसम खाये कि आप बहुत सारे परिवारो की जिंदगी में बदलाव लाएंगे … केवल एक छोटी शुरुआत आप सबकी जिंदगी बदल सकती है । सबसे पहले शुरुआत आप सब कम से कम अपने घर में हर महीने 800/- से 1000/- का प्रोडक्ट्स काम लेने का वादा करे ।।
Zero investment में इतनी बड़ी opportunity भारत में पहली बार,
zero investment कैसे हुआ, ये ध्यान से पढ़िए और समझिये क्योंकि हम जिन लोगों को products देते हैं, उन्होंने वो FMCG products वैसे भी किसी न किसी shop से लेने ही होते हैं, हमने तो सिर्फ उनकी shop बदली है,
पहले वो लोग without gurantee products लेते थे, जिन products की quality पर question mark था, अब हम उन लोगों को 100 % satisfaction gurantee वाले products उसी price पर दे रहे हैं जिस price पर वो पहले भी लेते थे,
सिर्फ अपनी shop को बदलकर कोई व्यक्ति अच्छी क्वालिटी के products VESTIGE से लेता है तो वो investment कैसे हो सकता है,
तो दोस्तों हुआ न zero investment पर अपने ओर अपने लोगों के सपने पूरे करना,
आप अपने लोगों को कह सकते हैं कि india की पहली mlm company जिसमे zero investment में आप अपने सपने पूरे कर सकते हैं VESTIGE INDUSTRIES आपके और आपके मिलने वालो का अच्छा भविष्य बनाने के लिए तत्पर टीम VESTIGE पूरी जानकारी के लिए कॉल करे|Amit Rao 9999882743

Vestige Marketing Plan FAQ

Vestige Marketing Plan Frequently Asked Questions

Vestige Marketing Plan is designed by experienced business professionals who have been in the Direct Sales Industry for years. It is engineered for success for anyone who wishes to start a part time business while still keeping his job.

Full Vestige Business Plan: How to join in Vestige?

1. How to join Vestige, What is Joining Procedure,What is the Investment?
Anyone above 18 years can start Vestige Business. There is no joining fee nor any investment to start vestige business. The only criteria are the below:
  1. Fill out the Vestige Registration Form with your active Upline and submit the copy of the Form to the nearest branch within 7 days of registration. Your active upline can register you via the Vestige POS app on the spot. When you register you will get an Username Password for the online portal or the vestige pos app, there you can find your Profile, Point (PV & BV), Downline, Bonus, Updated News, etc.
  2. Once you receive the user id and password, log in to the app and purchase vestige products minimum 350BV (Rs. 700/- worth of Products). That’s it, you are registered for a lifetime.
2. Do we need to renew the Distributorship, What is the difference between PV and BV?
No. There is no renewal, it is lifetime ID.
PV is Point Value. BV is Business Volume.
27 Rs = 1 PV &  1 PV = 16 BV
For example, as a distributor, if you purchase products worth Rs 1000/- from Vestige, you receive 27 PV and 592 BV.
3. How to Place an order online, what is the courier cost?
After you become a Distributor of Vestige, you can place your order online through or Vestige Mobile POS App
Courier charges are Rs. 65/- for all over India, if you place the order for Rs. 4000/- then courier is free for all over India.

For Joining and more information please contact 9999882743

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jeevan Surabhi - Money Back Plan

JEEVAN SURABHI-Faster Money Back Plan

LIC Jeevan Surabhi Plan 15 years Plan

LIC Jeevan Surabhi Plan 15 years is actually a Money Back Plan, which is technically known as an anticipated endowment policy. This is a non unit-linked insurance traditional plan where the money is paid as pre-decided intervals. The Premium is paid for only 12 years but the cover remains for the entire tenure of 15 years. If the Life Insured survives then he would receive 30% of the Sum Assured at the end of 4 and 8 years and the remaining 40% of the Sum Assured at the end of 12 years and life cover continues till the policy matures where she would receive the Bonus. However, if the Life Insured dies within the policy tenure, then the nominee would receive the Sum Assured, which keeps increasing by 50% once in every 5 years. 

Key Features of LIC Jeevan Surabhi Plan 15 years
  • Death Benefit increases by 50% once in every 5 years
  • Simple Reversionary Bonus is payable on Policy Maturity
  • Survival Benefit is receive 30% of the Sum Assured at the end of 4 and 8 years and the remaining 40% of the Sum Assured at the end of 12 years and life cover continues till the policy matures
  • Extended risk cover for three years after 3 years premium payment.
  • Optional higher cover through Riders
Benefits you get from LIC Jeevan Surabhi Plan 15 years

Death Benefit – In case of death of the Life Insured, the nominee receives the following + accrued Bonus
Policy Term Total 15 years
Death Benefit
0 to 5 years
Only Sum Assured
6 to 10 years
1.5 times Sum Assured
11 to 15 years
2 times Sum Assured

Survival Benefit – The Life Insured would receive The following Survival Benefit
Policy Term Total 15 years
Survival Benefit
End of 4 years
30% of Sum Assured
End of 8 years
30% of Sum Assured
End of 12 years
40% of Sum Assured

Maturity Benefit – At the maturity of the policy, the insured will get the accrued Bonus

Income Tax Benefit – Premiums paid under life insurance policy are exempted from tax under Section 80 C and maturity proceeds are exempted from tax under Section 10 (10D)

Eligibility conditions and other restrictions in LIC Jeevan Surabhi Plan 15 years

Sum Assured (in Rs.)
No Limit
Policy Term (in years)
Premium Payment Term (in years)
Entry Age of Life Insured (in years)
Age at Maturity (in years)
Premium (in Rs.)
Nothing Specified
Payment modes
Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly, Monthly and SSS

Note: This is a statement of facts based on the information collected from the LIC Jeevan Surabhi 15 Years brochure and insurance company's website. It should not be construed as a Critical or Favourable LIC Jeevan Surabhi 15 Years Review, Analysis or Recommendation.
Insurance is a subject matter of the solicitatio

Jeevan Anand


LIC Jeevan Anand is an endowment cum whole life policy along with Bonus facility. This is a Double Death Benefit Plan if the life insured survives till the end of the policy term. This plan has average premium, high bonus rate and great liquidity features.

In this plan, the Life Insured receives the Sum Assured + Bonus as Maturity Benefit but the life cover chosen continues till his death. Again an additional Sum Assured is paid whenever the Life Insured dies. Thus this plan is both an endowment plan and a whole life plan.
However, if the life insured dies before the completion of premium paying term, i.e. within the policy tenure, the entire Sum Assured along with accrued Bonus is paid to the nominee and the policy would terminate.
There is also an additional Accidental Death and Disability Benefit is payable till 70 years of age of the life insured.

Key Features of LIC Jeevan Anand Plan

§  This plan is an endowment cum whole life plan
§  Maturity Benefit is Sum Assured + accrued Bonus and the Life Cover continues till death
§  Death Benefit after Policy Maturity is only Sum Assured
§  Death Benefit before Policy Maturity is Sum Assured + accrued Bonus
§  Simple Reversionary Bonus is payable on maturity or earlier death.
§  Accidental Death and Disability Benefit is an inbuilt feature in this plan
§  Optional higher cover through 1 additional rider of Critical Illness Benefit.
§  This plan can be provided to people with hazardous occupation with additional premium.
§  Large Sum Assured rebate is also provided.

Benefits you get from LIC Jeevan Anand Plan

Death Benefit – In case of death of the Life Insured
·         Before the end of the Policy Term, the Sum Assured + accrued Bonus is paid
·         After the Policy Term, Sum Assured is paid as Death Benefit whenever the Life Insured dies.

Maturity Benefit – At the maturity of the policy, the insured will get Sum Assured + accrued Bonus + Final Addition Bonus

Income Tax Benefit – Premiums paid under life insurance policy are exempted from tax under Section 80 C and maturity proceeds are exempted from tax under Section 10 (10D)

Eligibility conditions and other restrictions in LIC Jeevan Anand Plan

Sum Assured (in Rs.)
No Limit
Policy Term (in years)
Premium Payment Term (in years)
Entry Age of Policyholder
Age at Maturity
Single Premium (in Rs.)
Payment modes
Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly, Monthly and SSS

Children Insurance Plan


Features of plan:
This policy is beneficial for partner having less than a year old child (not an adopted child). It makes provision for higher education / marriage of the child. In case of death of the policyholder at any time during the term of the policy one additional S.A. will be payable in addition to the above fixed benefits.
This plan is not allowed when occupational extra is chargeable and to pregnant ladies. Joint 
declaration by the husband and wife is must, if child is less than one year old.

One fourth of the S.A. is given every year during the last 4 years of maturity to the policyholder. 
Bonus for the full term on the full S.A. is given on maturity.

Plan parameters:
Age at entry                                                       : Min. 18 yrs, Max. 45 yrs
Maturity age                                                      : Max: 65 yrs.
Sum assured                                                       : Min. 50,000, Max. No Limit
S.A. in multiples                                                : 5000
Term                                                                  : Min.18 yrs, Max. 25 yrs
Mode of payment                                             : YLY/HLY/QLY/SSS/MLY
Accident benefit                                                : Re. 1 extra per
(Max. 50 Lac inclusive 1000 S.A.
All plan)
Policy loan                                                         : yes
Housing loan                                                      : yes
Assignment                                                        : yes
Revival                                                               : yes
Surrender of policy                                            : yes
Term rider                                                          : N.A.
CIR                                                                    : N.A.

Survival benefit   : 25% S.A. during last 3 yrs. Before maturity
Maturity benefit : on maturity balance 25% of S.A. + Bonus on full S.A. + FAB, if any.

Death benefit      : S.A. is immediately paid to the nominee. Future premiums are waived. Moreover, during last 4 yrs. Of term 25% of S.A. is payable. In addition bonus for full term + FAB, if any will be paid.

Example: Mr. Virender Sahwag aged 30 years, opts for jeevan chhaya policy for S.A 2 Lac and term 18 years with DAB. His daughter baby Tanya aged 5 years is nominee and Mr. Sahwag meets with an accident, his wife will get Rs.2 Lac on behalf of her daughter. Further more at the end of 15th year, baby Tanya will receive 50,000/- (i.e. one further of S.A) again, at the and of 16th and 17th year of the policy she will receive Rs.50, 000/- finally, at the end of 18th year she will get Rs.50, 000 + 1,62,000 = 2,12,000 (bonus as per bonus rate of 2011 i.e. Rs.45 per thousand per annum)